Thursday, November 6, 2008

Helping a patron

Yesterday, I got to actually help my first patron. Oh what a joyous occasion. The patron is thinking about writing a children's book on a subject of history ( I won't give the actual topic due to copying ideas ) in Charleston SC. So, I dug in and was determined to help her find anything I could get my hands onto. After going through numerous sources, I finally came up with a myriad of resources. I took them over to her and actually got goosebumps as she wholeheartedly thanked me and told me how much help I had been to her. Oh happy day! LOL I know this may seem extremely silly to people who may not be in the library field, but after you work hard for four years learning what to do and what not to do, it is very exciting when you get to put anything you picked up during those years into practice. I know things will not go as smoothly as this one instance did, but I am prepared for that also. I studied nothing on historical research and genealogy during grad school except one records management class, so this is a totally new experience for me. So, for the rest of the week, I am observing at the desk, next week, I will be observed, and the week after that, I'm ALONE on the desk. Working in a history/genealogy room, I'm going to have to catch up on my history. So much work to be done!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

My mom's birthday was yesterday, she turned 58. I'm sure she's glad I told y'all this. The yankee and I went down to the dirty south to visit my mom for an afternoon of ribs, baked beans, cole slaw, corn, and krispy kreme donuts. She's a sucker for krispy kreme glazed donuts, so I pick them up for her anytime I head down her way. See, she lives in an area that is the worst county in SC. It's HORRIBLE! Once, I get close, I get this yucky feeling in my stomach and want to turn around and vacate immediately. You see, the gene pool has run dry. Everyone wants a handout and they feel that we owe them things. You see high school drop outs walking the streets, I see people I went to high school with walking the streets with bottle in hand. The town had such potential and it's just been destroyed.
I digress...
Anyway, I want to talk about my mom. She is a beautiful person. She's become my best friend and confidante, and will do anything for anybody. She's smart, funny, and loves a good laugh. Currently, she is completing her dissertation and will be receiving a Phd very soon! Did I mention not only does she have to take care of herself, she takes care of my brother, and my grandmother also. None of her other brothers or sisters does that(take care of my granny). She's the oldest so it's fallen in her lap. They maybe call once a week they call, blah blah blah ( I hope they read this ). No wonder my granny is depressed. She not only takes care of her, she has to take the granny wrath as I call it. My granny is getting older and becoming senile and will say anything that comes off the top of her head. It's usually some sort of verbal abuse or some type of belittlement which she takes with a grain of salt...thank goodness. I just want people that read this to know that I LOVE my mom, everyone else loves her too and I am always told that I have the best mom in the world. I just want her to know that I know that too! I love you MOM!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Part Timer

Working part time is AWESOME!!!! I woke up first thing this morning around 6:30am. I took Boomer for a walk, fed him, fed Hunter, fixed a cup of coffee and enjoyed The Today Show. I'm 30 years old and I have NEVER been able to relax in the morning and enjoy anything, let alone a nice cup of coffee. Although, I'm not making as much as I would like, I still get to actually enjoy myself during the day instead of sitting behind a desk all day long waiting for 5:00 to come rolling around. Along these lines, I'm actually enjoying what I'm doing. That's another first for me. Like most people, I've never had a job I liked getting up and spending time there more than I do my own home. Ahhhhh! Plus, tomorrow is Halloween!!! Halloween is my favorite time of year. Scary movies, pumpkins, cool weather, dark nights, haunted houses...who could ask for more? To sum up, I'm HAPPY!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm a Librarian Damnit!

This is the first entry for my new blog. I have finally found a Librarian I position after graduating from Library School. And yes, I am a Mediocre Librarian. I have only been working for three days and am looking forward to learning new concepts and practices. Maybe in a year or two, I can change my name to the Adequate Librarian. We shall see! I am also working in a section I don't know much about. Archives, history, records...and so on. If anyone reads this and has any information that might be helpful to me, please please please send my way. This would be quite appreciated. It still feels a bit odd telling people I'm a librarian, especially when they say, "No really, what do you do?" Hopefully I will adjust to it in time.